Due to the COVIC-19 pandemic restrictions, TraxComm’s new year all-staff meeting was held online in January instead of a particular off-site location. We have carried out in-depth reviews of past year’s performances, as well as team building exercises online with the same level of enthusiasm as in previous off-site meetings.
We are happy to reveal that a steady business growth has been registered over the past 15 years of TraxComm’s operations; encouraging performance results were attained in 2020 despite the challenges impacted upon us by the pandemic.

TraxComm 2020 Dashboard
- Subscribed Bandwidth – A staggering 55.3% increase in 2020 compared to 2019.
- Service Availability – A consistently high 99.9987% availability over the past 12 months.
TraxComm 2020 New Measures
- Sales and Marketing – We have strengthened our customer relationship building measure via multiple digital marketing channels, such as Customer Communication Emails, LinkedIn, etc.
- New Product Launch – TraxComm Data Centre Service was launched to meet our customers’ needs as well as the increasing demand for data storage and computation.
2021 Plans
Leveraging on our continued business growth, significant increase in subscribed bandwidth, industry leading service availability and new product launch last year, we are fully committed to continuing our efforts in these areas in 2021, all aimed at delivering unprecedented results this year and beyond.
Best wishes to you all for a Happy and Healthy Year of the Ox!