Overall Customer Satisfaction achieves a high rating at 5.0, comparable to 2018 and 2017. (1 – worst, 6 – best)
“Service Reliability” and “Product Pricing” are ranked the two most important service attributes.

Satisfaction on “Response Time of Sales Process” is extraordinary reaching 5.0; a steady increase over the past three years is recorded.

Slight downfall is observed in “Response Time of NOC” and “Professional Image of Engineering Team”. This may be due to the social unrest incidents in certain areas, causing intentional damages to TraxComm facilities, thus prolonged service outage for some customers. Despite the external nature of the cause, we fully understand that it is still our responsibility to deliver reliable services with ongoing improvements across different areas.
We would like to sincerely thank our customers for taking time to complete the survey. Your participation and support are highly valued as always.
May we take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2020!